3:30 pm
July 8, 2013

I'm only up in Canada for 2 weeks and was told to use the Speakout sim from 7-eleven. When I SPECIFICALLY asked if their SIM had data, she said yes. to my face. which is a blatant lie. a few days later, when I figured my data wasn't working because I'd gone through my credit, I topped it up with $50 and was told by THAT guy that my data would work. Thanks, you bunch of a$$holes. Thanks for wasting $100 of my money on what is now a really pretty weight in my purse.
6:53 pm
August 13, 2009

I'm not really sure why you would expect a 7-11 clerk to be on top of what the difference between data and UMB is, but i'm pretty sure that it wasn't the clerks that told you to use the 7-11 service. Better go back to your 'friends' and 'throttle' them. Get it? 'Throttle' them. Tanks for the pun!
I mean, really, people have been harping on here how data is data and there is no such thing as browsing and.... well, now you know what that difference really is.
PS. If you're still using your phone, expect only 2G speeds.
10:08 pm
April 22, 2009

Not to put a fine point on it, but even with this forum, your communication skills could use more work, and may have been part of the problem. I will offer what I can, even with the limited information you have provided.
For July, at least, Speakout offers Unlimited Mobile Browsing for $10 a month. $35 plus tax should have gotten you a SIM card, and a $25 airtime voucher, and that would have done the job for you.
I would never fully trust anyone that wears a smock. You might or might not be able to receive helpful advice from them, but that depends on their experience. One is not required to know the intricate ins and outs of Speakout's policies to be hired by 7 eleven. These are same people that used to hide Speakout SIM cards, so they may not have the best relationship with Speakout.
You need a North American, SIM based phone that is unlocked, and has the correct APN setting programmed into it for Unlimited Mobile Browsing to work. Here is a Speakout APN setting for an Android phone, http://thekidd.ca/blog/tech/sp.....on-android You can adapt it for other phones. You won't get that info from a guy that wears a smock.
And finally, you will not be getting data from Speakout, you will be getting Unlimited Mobile Browsing, which is a bit more restrictive, but is the price for a $10 a month service, and that is all Speakout promised you. Whatever anyone else told you, including us, does not matter. Here are Speakout's term and conditions. https://www.speakout7eleven.ca/terms
7:24 pm
May 11, 2012

And one other thing you must do.
Call into CSR and speak to them requesting that they add UMB to your account.
Upon when they do will advise you it may take up to one hour before it is online. Also they advise your phone or device is shut off while this occurs.
Usually it is pretty quick and happens in 5 to 10 minutes.
I had to do this a few times as I forgot to top off.
If the extra $10 aint in the account then UMB is deleted and you have to ask for it again to be added when you have topped up.
10:17 pm
October 8, 2013

I would like to know why my unlimited browsing was cut off on Oct. 7 2013 while my prepaid service through Seven Eleven Speakout.ca is prepaid till Oct. 10 2013.
While I realIze that you are not offering Unlimited Browsing in Speakout.ca renewals as of Oct. 7 2013 because of a switchotoo a new data plan I cannot perceive how it is conducive to a proper business model to terminate or change a customer's plan 3 days early if you wish to convince them to sign on with a new service. I will probably be dropping my text messaging and not be signing on to the data plan on Oct. 10th because of this snafu. I will probably just resort to pay as you go minutes untill I can arrange to port Both my Phone Numbers to a more consistent service provider unless this is rectified to my satisfaction.
I also plan on reporting this to the BBB and the Regulatory Authorities in Canada so you can deal with them because your business model is very shoddy.
I understand that you don't provide support to phones used on Speakout.ca service that are not purchased from Seven Eleven but your customers that purchase sim through Speakout.ca deserve at least to be able to get their service they prepay for and should be informed of technical changes though email, text or a phone call.
I received no notice other than a text message stating that I will need to put more money on my account before Oct. 10th. Two phone calls to Support resulted in being told that I should pull the battery out of my phone for 1/2 an hour and reboot 3 times and the second time being told the was nothing else to help me because the rep didn't have a supervisor present. You knew in advance that the launch of a new system would be hectic yet you don't beef up your staff to handle the situation?
Also up to 72 hours to get a reply to Email to Speakout.ca customer Service website is deplorable treatment to paying customers. ..
I can be reached at reppinca@xxxxxmail.com , or by text and phone to 266 280 xxxx
PS:I believe also that 8-10 dollars disappeared off my account when I checked my balance. No explanation given neither.
Sent from Samsung Note II
By WiFi because Seven Eleven Speakout.ca and Ztar mobile don't include Real Customer Service in their business models.....ntil yesterday I would of disagreed with the statement that these people are dishonest but by the following email sent to Ztarmobile.com by me reflects my new opinion of Speakout.ca"