10:51 am
August 22, 2015

If you read my post previous " Lockit " which may have resulted from a total lack of ability on my part , SO works for me
We maintain 2 sets of phone , TracFone for the U.S. and SO in Canada ( home )
TracFone is pay in advance w/ a 1 yr roll over period from date of payment
The nominal rate is pretty close to 22 cents / min but w/ double airtime for life it becomes 11 cents / min.
We are state side 3 months of the year. We take the $100 / yr , anyway
My running total is 2 200 min. Wasteful but its there . The total would have been less , however , apparently I can't read instructions
Obviously , SO is not as generous. For us , SO is perfect. We get by on less than $100 per yr , averaged over 2 phones
We are thinking of dumping the landline ( Bell ) and going cellular and VoIP. Thinking
Thought I'd voice something positive re: SO
We recognize we are not the typical profile