1:33 pm
April 12, 2016

When will I learn that the People I get on 611 "ONLY WANT THE MONEY"? I ran out of minutes several days ago and I wanted to upgrade my account to 1000 min a month up from 200...I talked with"Stephan" who just tried to get my money I told him what I wanted to do and he finally said OUT LOUD that my new 1000 min plan would start today..
I then gave him a $100.00 he added it to my account but did nothing about changing my plan.
I called right back looking for a supervisor....No such person exisit....I talked to Ailee who told me I couldn't change my plan until it expired in 2 weeks...I explained that Stephan promised to give me the 1000 minutes today...Of course she told me I was manipulating Stephan and he lied to me to get my money....After more bullshit from long time employee Ailee. She said someone would call me in a few days....
Here is what I want to do.... transfer the money to another account and cancel my service.... I will take my business to another provider that wont lie to my face....Since Stephan would say anything to get my money!
Stephan could have said that it was not possible to do what I wanted..Instead he lied to my face and cheated me out of my $100.00
I could have let the $11.65 run out and transfer my number to another provider...but I no longer have that option..
for F***** me a second time....
2:29 pm
October 14, 2008

3:17 am
April 12, 2016

Hi it's day 3 and still waiting for the non-extant supervisor to get back to me..Haven,t made a call but money is leeking out of my account...tried to contact Mr. Kevin Haddad
Chief Executive Officer of ztar mobile inc...I guess he's too busy riding around in his Billion $ Yacht to bother with old sick people on disability like me? I even tried to get in touch with Douglas A Riewski [of 7316 San Felipe Dr. Irving, TX 75039-3356] his right hand man..but I guess he's on the yacht too. I guess I'am stuck with these lying C#C$SUck$%& until my $100.00 is drained from my account.
Thanks again SPEAKOUT. I will never again refer Customers to you....
10:34 am
April 12, 2016

Karen [the fixer] called around 10:am on Friday...gave me a one time exception and gave me a plan change....I wanted to have unlimited calling and thought that 1000 minutes a month would do it....but guess what a 1000 minutes is not Canada wide it's only local minutes...pretty useless to someone like me from Nanaimo...She called back and I changed it to 300 Canada wide minutes...And Ailee [long time service rep 6 Years] was right 'There is not a chance in hell that anybody gets their money back,not now not ever'
What have learned from this experience? I will never again do business with a so called [re-seller of services]... Now I will let my account run dry and take my number and business somewhere else.....
I will go to one of the BIG THREE who are bound by the CRTC to honor what they say and won't lie to your face to get your money like "SPEAK OUT" does....
Just remember to use those great app's that record every call and send them directly to the cloud...
12:38 pm
October 14, 2008

It's unfortunate that you had a bad experience with SpeakOut. My experiences with them have been quite the opposite. Good luck going to the "Big Three". I respectfully disagree with your assumption that they won't lie to you. In many forums like this, Rogers is called Robbers, and Bell is call Bhell for a reason, etc etc.
I have had a cell phone since 1989, and have tried many carriers, including the "Big Three". In my experiences, they are the worst of the worst.
Best of luck,