Today I went to the Dunsmuir and Seymour location (Vancouver) and they would only sell me 1 $100 voucher to get the free phone deal. But I went to the Thurlow and Alberni location and managed to get 4 $25 vouchers and the free phone. The clerk even asked the manager, who said "As long as it adds up to $100 it's fine".
11:30 pm
Today (June 21) marks a week since I bought the Nokkia 1112 phone with the 7_11 Speakout service. Yes the deal is still available, buy $100 of airtime and get the phone for free. The phone comes with $5 preloaded air time. At the first store (Windsor, ON) I went to they were sold out, but they were very helpfull and phoned around a couple of other stores till they found one that still had the phones. I charged it up for an hour and it was ready to go out of the box.
I had to phone customer service three times for three different minor issues, including activating the $100 of airtime -only had to wait less than a minute one time, they were terrific.
This has to be the best deal for occasional cell phone use in Canada. Thank you 7_11
2:42 pm
Advice please. I am a senior and I am looking for a good cell phone deal (I will not use the phone very often) 7-Eleven sounds interesting. What would be the "total" least expensive amount of money I would have to spend to get a 7-11 phone deal?
If I buy a "good" phone in the U.S. and switch the SIM card from a 7-11 Canada phone, will it work in Canada?
What make of phones would I need?
6:59 pm
To get the 7-11 phone deal, you need to purchase $100 worth of airtime from any 7-11 store in order to have $75 credit towards a new phone. After tax (depending on which province you live in), I paid $113 for a brand new Nokia 1600 and $100 airtime. As mentioned above, the account that you purchase includes $5 airtime. In total, you pay ~$113 for $105 airtime and a new phone. At 20 cents a minute, that translates to about 500 minutes, which will last you for up to one year from when you activate the airtime. Nokia's are known to be solid phones and should satisfy the average users needs.
What do you consider a 'good' phone? For your phone to work on the 7-11/Rogers network, all you need is a phone that uses GSM technology (not CDMA), and swap the SIM card into that phone.