8:12 pm
July 9, 2014

In August 2013, I came to Canada, I bought their SIM card for $10, and put $25 credit on it for calling. It worked out great. Then I left to back to Asia.
For the next 11 months I used an asian SIM card.
In July 2014, I came back to Canada, I put the SpeakOut SIM card back in and saw I had 40¢ credit left. I then decided to purchase their $30 one month plan.
I called them and told them my phone number, and password, to verify the plan, and how much it would cost me.
Then I go to 7-11 and it turns out you can NOT buy $30 of credit. I called them back and asked why, and how to I get $30 worth. They said I can't but that the $30 plan would actually cost me $32 or $33 or something because of some 911 fee.
So, I gave in and bought $35 of credit which cost me $39 because of sales tax. I called them back and asked them to set me up with the $30 plan, and gave them the activation number for the $35 purchase.
She then told me my balance was around about $25. I told her that I bought a $35 top up. She said there was nothing I could do and I had to go back to 7-11 to sort it out. I told her that if I went back to 7-11 they would just end up telling me to call them back, so why don't we just sort it out now. She refused.
I went back to 7-11, and surprise surprise, we called called them back. They then told me that I was $10 in debt to them because my phone had been active for the last 10 months. I told them it had not been active, and that I had been in asia with an asian SIM card. She insisted that the phone had been active, specifically because there was a 40¢ balance. She told me I should have read the fine print. The fine print. The fine print is not actually fine print. There is a small note saying that the terms are available on their website. I went and looked at it. It is 10 pages long.
This is a pre-paid phone card. PRE-PAID. The advertising material clearly states: "No commitments". No matter what it says in the fine print, if the ad says "no commitments", then legally it has to have no commitments.
I told them I want my money back. She said they would not refund my money. She gave me a phone number to call when the office opens tomorrow. The head office. 1 (800) 668-0220
I suspect that this is actually illegal.
If they don't give me my money back tomorrow, I will be issuing formal complaints to every regulating body I can find in both the federal and provincial jurisdictions, and posting this to as many Internet forums as possible.
I will update this thread tomorrow if I get through to the head office.
...and I thought Rogers was bad.
9:39 pm
December 30, 2010

huh ? It is a prepaid and if you don't put any money in, they would not come after you.
Your problem is you refill it. What happen is that they charged 1.25/month for what they e911 fee. The same happen in other countries as well(not every country but the SIM I used for 10+ years from asia do and they called it a different term, government license or whatever).
I find the 1.25/month is a bit steep(mine is only like 30c equivalent) but that is already the cheapest I can find to keep a mobile# here.
So if you don't put in more money, it is only on their book that this account owe them 1.25/month and they would do nothing. Now you refill it, of course it would be used to pay that part first, this is standard practice in many other accounting system.
This is entirely normal, you just don't do your home work before doing what you have done.
BTW, tax is unfortunately part of the life in canada, don't blame that on 7-11
10:43 am
July 9, 2014

Yes, well this wasn't made clear by them, and the advertisement clearly said, "no commitments, and no strings attached". The terms were not made available until AFTER the purchase, and even then, they were not on the receipt, but instead there was a sentence saying to go to their site and look them up.
7:35 am
July 23, 2014

Has anyone else had this problem? Money disappearing off account in small amounts? I noticed this and decided to follow it. I watched my account balance shrink by 9 cents, i cent, i cent, 4 cents, 2 cents and 3 cents over a 2 day period. Its a small amount for sure but if they are doing this network wide they are ripping off everyone big time. I had not used my phone at all during this period in order to see if it was going to continue, no calls, no texts, no incoming, no data use, nothing. When I called the CSR she could not say what had happened but she must have noticed something because she said the "network team" would be notified and I would get a call back. No call. And.....after my call, no more time has been disappearing but now Im wondering how long this has been going on. Anyone else had their account balances shrink for no reason?
10:24 pm
July 31, 2014