2:05 am
January 18, 2009

I replied to an ad and did a deal and the sim card is in the mail. I believe it is, but the thread has disappeared. Hardly a confidence builder. Would the thread have been deleted by a moderator or can it be deleted by the initiator??
I don't think ads should be deleted.
For Sale T-Mobile sim card. | Buy / Sell / Trade | Consumer forum …
For Sale T-Mobile sim card. Current Balance is $ 75.80 USD with Expiry on Nov. 12, 2013. Card is GOLD STATUS which allows 365 days …
- See more at: https://www.speakoutwireless.ca/search/?q=t-mobile%20sim%20sale#sthash.2Nribmv5.dpuf
2:53 pm
October 14, 2008

3:44 pm
January 18, 2009

It would be good to leave it for awhile since the item was in the mail. When I pay for something with Paypal, etc. if ever a dispute comes up it is handy to point to the subject thread. This has turned out well once I get the account password and I really have no comeback anyway but I would suggest threads could be deleted a couple of months down the road.
I will try to remember to copy and paste and email people outside the forum from now on.
Thanks for the forum. It has been helpful for buying and selling and education, and I hope I have contributed also, so far
6:11 pm
October 14, 2008

I appreciate the advice, but if something is bought through Paypal and there is a dispute, Paypal won't go to a third party forum to see what dialogue went on. They will only look to see that the item was paid for on the Paypal site, and when it was delivered, if there is any tracking information.
Leaving a thread going on for items that had been sold a few months previous wouldn't be beneficial. It would clog up the Buy/Sell/Trade forum with items already long gone and sold. The best way to contact a member after the sale is through PM. There are plenty of ways through Paypal to keep you covered in case there is a dispute filed.
You have contributed very much to this forum. You are a valued member of it.
Have a great weekend!
4:47 pm
October 15, 2008

To throw my 2 cents into this conversation, I understand the value of trying to keep the postings cleaned up but I also personally see some benefit in leaving the completed transactions available afterwards. It's nice to see what the going rate is for something before you buy or sell it. By searching the existing postings, you can get a feel for the price you should be paying/selling something for. I know when I go to e-bay, I sometimes first search out the completed transactions to get a feel for the current price is for something.
My suggestion here (take it for what it's worth ) is maybe only delete postings older than x (say 2 or whatever) months. By then the transaction should have been completed and for people like me, we can still see the most relevant historical pricing.
7:30 pm
December 30, 2010

1:34 pm
October 14, 2008

Good suggestions. If one is trying the gauge the value of an item, the best place wouldn't be here, but Ebay as you suggested. That's also where I go when I'm pricing something. Obviously that site is much larger than this one, and you can find whatever device your looking for, and the prices the items sold for. You can also google the item, or try a major site like Amazon.
I have seen people post in a thread for an item that's been clearly long been sold, and ask if the item is still available!! If an item is sold, then it's gone, and the thread opened to sell that item is no longer relevant. That's why it gets deleted.