9:15 pm
August 8, 2009

My suggestion for the referral forum is to make a rule that a referral code should only be sent to one person at a time. In turn, the person asking for the code should reply whether the code was used or not. If the code is not used, then the sender is free to send the code to someone else. Otherwise, there have been a string of posts where people have received a code, only to find it previously used. In my opinion, this is incredibly disrespectful and inconsiderate on the sender's part. Not only does it waste the requester's time, but it potentially puts them in the awkward position of explaining to the CS representative why a code originally intended to reflect a personal referral has already been used. I understand that sometimes people ask for a code days ahead of actually activating their service, which leads the sender to believe the code has not been used, so I would also suggest that people refrain from requesting a code until they are ready to activate their service within 24 hours. There are more than enough people on the forum to send them a code whenever it's needed, even at 3am on a Tuesday morning 😆