It has been brought to my attention that non-registered users sometimes hide behind their anonymity to post inflaming or non-useful comments on this site. By no means is this problem eliminated if we force everybody to have an account on this site before they make a post. However, it would reduce such instances, and in theory, it would increase the usefulness of the forum. Is that benefit worth giving up the ease with which the well-intentioned non-registered users can post?
11:58 pm
October 14, 2008

I think it would GREATLY reduce the flaming trolls, and the spam. If people have to register, then they are in a community, and have to abide by the rules. 99% of the other sites/forums I am a part of, you have to register first BEFORE making your first post. By letting anyone posting what they want as a 'guest', it just opens up problems. They could return as many times as they want under different names. People have to be held more accountable.
2:32 am
April 22, 2009

2:58 am
March 15, 2008

Posting as a guest makes it all too easy for people to do mischief, flame, troll, etc. Forcing them to register a new account in order to post as someone else requires too much work for casual use so perhaps it would be a deterrent. It also requires a new e-mail account, different IP address, etc. to prevent associating the new, mischief account with their regular account. I think it's worth a try.
2:59 am
October 14, 2008

I think that having a thumbs up/down system would not work, just because anyone at all could boot someone for any given whim. I think any booting or admonishing should be left to the moderators/admin of the site.
I'm not just saying that because I'm a moderator here, but every other site I'm a part of is that way. Only the moderators or admin do the "housecleaning", and every site asks that if you want to be a part of the community, you have to register. It keeps the flaming/trolls/spam at bay, because people know they have to watch what they say.
3:21 am
March 15, 2008

I think that having a thumbs up/down system would not work, just because anyone at all could boot someone for any given whim. I think any booting or admonishing should be left to the moderators/admin of the site.
The thumbs up/down systems I've seen don't boot anyone off. They're essentially a voting mechanism that helps moderators identify posts that may need intervention. They're just another tool like "Report Post" on this forum.
Related questions:
1. Where do such posts get reported? I'm guessing to Peter's e-mail.
2. How many times has Report Post been used by community members-at-large?
6:36 am
April 22, 2009

That any registered user could boot an unregistered user for any given whim is a feature, not a bug. It solves 2 problems. It gets rid of the troublemakers posts quickly and efficiently, without wasting the moderator's time, and it adds incentive for an unregistered user to register. One could set up a trashcan forum where the deleted posts go for all to see, but I suspect it would not be necessary. The unregistered good posts will likely not be deleted, and if any do, it would be easier for a moderator to undelete maliciously deleted good posts, because it would be a rare occurrence. It would not be hard to revoke a members voting privileges if he is out of line on what he kicks.
I suppose a Digg type thumbs up/down system would work also, although I do not think we have the volume of users and posts for it to be quickly effective.
10:16 pm
October 14, 2008

The other problem I see is this. There are MANY people who come on here (un-registered) as "Guest". The great majority of those logged in as "Guest" are good people, and are here to ask questions about SpeakOut.
However, I have also seen trolls (and spammers) that have come on here logged on as "Guest" as well. How do you differentiate between the two "Guest"'s? One is helpful, and the other one is only here to spam, or flame.
My suggestion about everyone registering, is that you pick a username, and like other sites, you could get reputation points. Once people realize they are are accountable to what they say, they will respect this site. I do find the vast majority of people who come to this site are great, but a registration would weed out the "bad apples" rather effectively.
Permissions have now been changed so that people must register to post in the forums. It's been nice for a couple of years to let anybody post on the forum. However, it's gotten sufficiently busy enough that this is a necessary step to maintaining a high quality of postings and a high usefulness of the site.
6:16 pm
October 14, 2008

I think this is long overdue, and congrats to Peter for implementing this. For too long, "guests" could come on here, spam or flame, and get away with it because they knew they could get away with it.
Now just like most every other forum based site, one has to register before they can post messages. I think it's a very good thing. We welcome everyone to this site, and would love everyone to be a part of this community, but people now know they are accountable for what they say.
5:16 pm
November 30, 2009

Member count is actually a built-in feature of this forum that I've hidden (I don't even look at the numbers). However, I will think about enabling it for other curious minds 🙂
As for the math requirement, I will keep it enabled for everybody. Just one extra deterrent for spambots (who can register too) and hey, math is important!