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Thanks to Peter
May 21, 2007
2:07 am

Hi, I just wanted to thank Peter for this website. The information on it has helped me tremendously.

I was on a PAYG plan with my local CDMA provider (MTS), and because I was busy in college for the past 8 months, I hadn't needed to use my phone. Long story short, they disconnected my service after 6 months of inactivity, and I lost my number. This really ticked me off, so while researching my options, I came across this site.

I decided to buy the current $100 deal at 7-eleven, and also went to to get myself a new unlocked tri-band gsm phone for a reasonable price.

I have learned so much just from stumbling upon this site. I had no idea about the difference between gsm/cdma, but I will never go back to a contract situation again, with their crappy, overpriced service and choice of 10 locked phones. Never again.

Thanks Peter!