6:54 pm
October 10, 2010

I love this web-site and really appreciate that people take the time to post information here to help others. I have found so much useful information and ideas. Thanks for
- letting me know that Rogers and some FIDO phones work with SO SIM cards
- giving me the idea of selling the non-text friendly phone I purchased from 7-Eleven (just for the SO SIM card)
- putting an extra $10 in my account by using the referral code forum
- the people who described their satisfying experience when dealing with customer service with respect to stolen/lost phones (unfortunately my daughter's phone was stolen within 2 weeks and reading postings from this web site was most helpful).
The site is inspiring so I have posted my experience with the Nokia C3 and I hope I can continue to contribute more.
Thanks to all who help make this web-site great.
5:24 pm
October 14, 2008

1:20 pm
June 27, 2011

Just want to add my kudos about this website and SpeakOut Wireless. Nice job.
I discovered SO for my daughter about a year ago and have been thoroughly satisfied with SO. It allows me to monitor her use and is teaching her about responsible cell phone use.
Since that time, I have introduced/converted 2 others to SO. In the next month, my Rogers contract (and my wife's also) will be finished and we will happily say goodbye to Rogers and join the SO family. As well, 2 other friends will be saying good bye to Rogers and will become SO customers.
So keep up the good work both with this site and at SpeakOut Wireless.
4:04 pm
October 14, 2008

9:45 am
August 18, 2011

12:26 pm
July 22, 2011

This is an excellent website and thank you to all those who help to make it better everyday.
One can really SPEAKOUT their querries on cellphone plans / quad band /unlocking phones and many many other cell topics
I am happy with my 7-eleven phone and the 1 year minutes expiry we can purchase and the mins we dont use can be carried over to the next year if we recharge for a small amount.
Thank you and happy to be on this forum.
4:56 pm
June 3, 2011

I appreciate all the work you've done and I realize you are unpaid volunteers but I find this site not very intuitive and hard to navigate around in. Have you considered using a service like GetSatisfaction to run it for you?
It's used by Wind Mobile and Endomondo, for example, both of which I spend far too much time on and find very intuitive and conducive to staying longer and contributing more. And it's not expensive for a small volume site starting out. So please take a look and consider it. I think you'd find it a big improvement and it would relieve you of your current site-maintenance duties so you could concentrate on helping users to better understand and use SpeakOut.
1:39 pm
October 25, 2011

Hi. I just wanted to throw my compliments in here too. Admittedly, I've been using the forum for the better part of a year and just finally set up a user account here.
I've picked up tidbits here to find the best cellphone deal, and recently successfully set up my iPhone from the instructions users have posted on this forum.
Couldn't have done it without this site! Keep up the great work admins!