5:00 pm
December 1, 2009

I am sorry. I could not find Admin's contact information so I have to post my request here.
Hello Peter:
I am a new user and set my profile background color as blue at the first time login. When I start to use the program, I found I better change back to grey colore to fit my eyes. I tried many times to find the place to change but I could not find it anywhere. Could you please tell me where to go to make the change, or can you just make the change for me?
Also please tell me how to delete the messages after my request was done.
Thank you in advance.
If anyone knows the way to write to Admin directly, please kindly inform me.
Thank you.
This sub-forum is the best place for such questions. Then you'll have a few more people to possibly answer you rather than when messaging only one person directly.
Regarding editing your own post, when logged in, do you see the edit icon(s) as explained in this post?
Regarding the colours on the site: unfortunately, I don't think this forum ever offered user-customizable colours. If it does, can someone point out where you would edit that?
It might be a good discussion if people want to change the colours of this site globally. For the most part we're using the default colours.