10:04 pm
April 16, 2010

I am in USA right now and I have SO USA voice up and running but iPhone is showing following message:
Could not activate cellular data network. You are not subscribed to a cellular data service.
The SO USA rep that I spoke to when I activated the voice service assured me that the data was turned on. I have gone through the iPhone configuration for SpeakOut Canada and I am assuming that the configuration profile for Canada will also work on AT&T network on the US side. Does anyone have any suggestions (I don't think it is a SO USA problem and I don't think I should be calling them). Any assistance would be much appreciated.
10:21 pm
October 14, 2008

10:56 pm
April 16, 2010

11:47 pm
April 16, 2010

iamdrumming said:
I would say it is totally different because they are different businesses, and run on entirely different networks. The only thing they share is the name. I would give SO USA customer service a call and ask for the settings, since the data is turned on.
I called SO USA customer service. They cannot help me. They referred me to Apple website. There is NOTHING on Apple website re SpeakOut. I'm still looking for suggestions on this one.
12:07 am
October 14, 2008