10:18 am
July 22, 2011

Are there any free international texting for smartphone? without the other person having the same apps.
I suppose one must have wifi or data plan to do the texting?
Also please let me know if there is one from my computer to the international phone without incurring any charges to either one.
heard of whatapp but was told the other person need to have the same - also they will know that I am on and will send txt many times from overseas which will interfere due to the difference in time zones.
Textfree or textplus anyone used them or even kik?
thank you very much for your help
4:25 pm
April 22, 2009

Unfortunatly, these texting plans will need a data plan or wifi.
I think most international users use Whatsapp because their respective country's SMS charges are too high. Whatsapp is not as popular in North America. And yes, both parties need a Whatsapp client and a data plan or wifi. I have not personally used Whatsapp, but I wonder if you can just close the app to not get texts?
I have used Text Plus and Text Me. Both work well enough.
5:29 pm
July 22, 2011

Thank you bridonca for you help
the text plus and Text Me - no charge on both ends?
Also please let me know if there is a way from my computer to the international phone without incurring any charges to either one .
I have to learn more on the wifi.
Yes whats up I have heard is very good and you are right regarding the sms charges being high that's the reason for its usage overseas.
3:31 am
April 22, 2009

Text plus and text me are SMS services that use your data plan or wifi. With either program, you can send and receive free north American SMS messages. Both service make their money from ads. If your international friend also uses these programs, the only fee they get is data charges. I have no idea on what the international rates are, but you will not get billed, it will either work or not.
8:47 am
July 22, 2011