5:21 pm
October 14, 2008

Speak Out in the USA just decreased their expiry dates on their top-ups. Now only 2 of their top-ups last a year. It might be a sign of things to come here in Canada, especially when Speak Out Canada is testing the waters with their $15/30 day expiry top-up.
6:18 pm
March 15, 2008

7:07 pm
October 14, 2008

That's true, but Speak Out in the USA also has the most outrageous 911 fee I have seen. It's $2.14 a month ($25.68 a year just for the 911 fees) So, just the 911 "fees" would eat over over half of the $50 top-up, without ever making a single phone call. I agree, that it's still the cheapest way to go, but they sure are screwing over their customers. It's a wait and see attitude if Speak Out here in Canada tries something similar. I find it odd that the $15/30 day expiry top-up is nowhere to be found now on the Speak Out Canada site.