2:24 pm
hi guys
as you guessed i am a real newbie here.
I do not see a whole lot on forums about texting tho have read a lot by now.
2 Qs
1 does a SO phone send texts to London England.
2 when I go to UK will the phone work there? it seems that it will from what I have read and it is already unlocked so nothing extra to do is that right?
that's it for now
thanxabunch !
2:35 pm
March 15, 2008

1 does a SO phone send texts to London England.
Yes. See FAQ #3 and #4.
2 when I go to UK will the phone work there?
No. You need an unlocked GSM phone that uses international bands, 900 and 1800 MHz. The phones you buy from SO do not have these bands. You could buy an unlocked quadband GSM phone either here or there.
Also your SO SIM won't work outside of Canada. You will need to buy a SIM in the UK (which of course will have a UK phone number) and buy airtime for it. See also https://www.speakoutwireless.ca/sim-card-guide/
8:18 am
January 24, 2009

If you're interested see my post in phone exchange. I am selling a Sony Ericsson W880i Walkman phone that I actually bought in th UK. It works on Speak out and it works over there.
You can send texts to the UK for 10 cents per text and receive them for 5cents on speak out.
It is true your Speak out SIM won't work over there, but in the UK you can buy a pay as you go SIM at any convenience store for 99 cents. The whole cell phone deal is way better over there.
12:20 pm
otty thanks for the info all very helpful, I see the phone is gone now!wendy
<otty said:
If you're interested see my post in phone exchange. I am selling a Sony Ericsson W880i Walkman phone that I actually bought in th UK. It works on Speak out and it works over there.
You can send texts to the UK for 10 cents per text and receive them for 5cents on speak out.
It is true your Speak out SIM won't work over there, but in the UK you can buy a pay as you go SIM at any convenience store for 99 cents. The whole cell phone deal is way better over there.
1:35 pm
March 15, 2008

Factory Direct (locations in southern Ontario) is currently holding a sale on refurbished unlocked GSM phones. Quad-band phones start at $60 with the standard Motorola V3 at $100.