8:53 am
July 6, 2012

I am going on a trip from Toronto to PEI/ Nova Scotia and I currently have the $10 unlimited text messaging and $10 unlimited browsing on my phone. Additional note is my phone number is a 416 (toronto) number.
My question is, will it charge me additional fees or long distance if I was in PEI and I wanted to text back to Toronto. Or if I wanted to browse on my phone while on my roadtrip to PEI? Has anyone ever experienced travelling within Canada with these SO plans?
Thanks for the help! >=]
9:56 am
December 17, 2009

UMB does not matter where you are in Canada as long as you have signal connection to the Rogers network. i personally used the UMB when I was in transition at Vancouver International Airport. I believe Speakout uses the Rogers digital network and roaming is not an issue since Speakout Pay as you go does not support outside of Canada.
Similarly with texting, the text cost is flat rate to text anywhere in Canada. So if you have unlimited, there should be no extra cost.
I hope that helps.