8:29 pm
IMO, the best PAYG option in the US right now is T-Mobile ToGo. 10 cents a minute incoming and outgoing if you buy $100 airtime, no charge when people leave messages, solid coverage.
You can get a Nokia 6030 (decent, no bells and whistles, but we're not all 18 anymore) for $29.95 w/ $10 airtime. Buy $100 airtime for 365 day service and subsequent top-ups in any denomination kick the system forward another 365 days.
Peter, thanks for the info on the 7-11/petrocan deal. I was about to sign up w/ Rogers PAYG and I feel like I've been yanked out of the fire!
11:17 am
im sorry, there are way better deals in the USA for Pay As You Go.
My wife just bought a Net10 phone for $30 and it came with 300 min of airtime and 60 days activation. Perfect for her vacation trip to the States.
Other companies such as TracPhone offer 1 year activation and lots of minutes for cheap, and they all come with a phone. perfect solution for Canadians that travel for extended periods in the states.
11:59 am
What's the best option for a short vacation to the states?
I'm on speakout here in Canada (I just bought a Nokia 2760) and I read that you can get an activation kit from T-Mobile (which includes a SIM card and 10 free minutes)... has anyone tried this? Will this work with my phone?
What if I want to buy a few more minutes without spending a whole lot?
10:36 pm
For anyone that may be interested:
I just spent 8 days in San Francisco and brought my SpeakOut Nokia 2760. I stopped into a T-Mobile store and picked up a SIM card for about $10 which came with 10 free local minutes. The clerk set it up for me and I was ready to go with a local number. This worked perfectly as the phone was already unlocked. When I ran out of minutes, I went to a grocery store and picked up a $10 T-Mobile pre-paid card (that gives you 30 mins of local calls) and was able to activate it in seconds. They have these everywhere. I sent and received several text msgs to and from Canada with no problems. Reception was good and everything.
This is a great option for anyone traveling to the states, whether short or long term. Highly recommended... and super convenient when on the road.
10:03 pm
I have also had good luck with T-Mobile in the US. I picked up a Nokia 2610 in the US for $29.95 and bought the $100 voucher. This is supposed to give 1000 minutes with a 1-year expiration. We have used it in Hawaii as well as NY and here in Canada - it roams on Rogers.
It is not a great phone (display quickly scratched and hard to read outside) but I can pop the SIM into my SO phone if I want to. And since the battery is the same as my Nokia 1600, I gained a spare battery even if I discard the phone which is locked to T-Mobile.
There is a very quick and easy web top-up facility on their site.
I also had good luck with T-Mobile in the Netherlands when I went there with my old triband Motorola phone. I just bought the SIM in a cellphone shop and it worked perfectly in my phone.
5:14 pm
Cheapskate said:
And since the battery is the same as my Nokia 1600, I gained a spare battery even if I discard the phone which is locked to T-Mobile.
Great tip about the 2610 using the same battery as the 1600, I hadn't realized that! Very handy indeed. Hmm, do they use the same charger too? Probably?
Thanks for the info in this thread - exactly what I needed to know!