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2G 3G LTE and 5G
December 7, 2018
11:16 am
Ontario, Canada
Forum Posts: 19
Member Since:
April 6, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

So I just got off the phone with Speak Out and was told that they only offer 2G or 3G and have no plans to ever upgrade to LTE. So I was wondering why is that, does it cost too much money ? Also is 5G even faster than LTE ? Speak Out said 5G is only offered in British Columbia. Plus I was also told that Speak Out does not participate in the emergency alert broadcast. Why don't customers of Speak Out deserve to be notified in case of an emergency ? Why can't the alert also go out for those that only have 3 G ?

December 10, 2018
1:42 pm
Forum Posts: 1201
Member Since:
April 22, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

This a decision that Rogers has made when it comes to Speakout. For the time being, 3G is what Rogers offers to their MNVO's. I would guess that eventually, LTE will be offered, but not for quite a while. Chatr uses Roger's 3G network also. I could never assume what Rogers thought process is when it comes to 3G, but it in not much of a stretch to guess there is not much priority given to Speakout.

5G will be useful in high density areas, and it will be quite a bit faster than LTE. But because it uses the higher range of the frequency band, it will not have much range, so there would have to be a lot more transmitters deployed. Not likely to be used in more rural areas.

As for the emergency alert broadcast, this is a feature that takes advantage of a feature already baked into LTE. LTE will eventually take over 2G and 3G because it is so spectrum efficient, but that is not going to be for a while. The emergency alert broadcast is still not ready for prime time, and it will take years for it to happen.