Area code 902 | Technical service details | Consumer forum

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Area code 902
July 31, 2008
3:00 pm

Crazy question. I am in Nova Scotia. Would it be possible to set up a 7-11 SO phone with a 902 area code? We do not have 7-11 in Atlantic Canada.

July 31, 2008
4:17 pm

You should be able to. Has nothing to do with 7-11. The phone uses the rogers network so as long as rogers covers that area you should be fine. You would need to call SO and have them change the area code to 902. Just keep in mind that you have to buy the speak out (7-11) top up cards. You would have to get a friend who lives near a 7-11 to get you the card and send it to you.

July 31, 2008
5:19 pm

You would have to get a friend who lives near a 7-11 to get you the card and send it to you.

Just a minor point to save a postage stamp, but there is no card and no need to send it. Airtime top-ups are printed on the cash register receipt. You call 611 from the phone you want to top up, then key in the code on the receipt. That means your friend doesn't have to send you anything; just tell you the top-up code.