Check your balance on the phone screen (and other updates)
I've just made a bunch of updates to the home page FAQ courtesy of some information from a Speak Out CSR. Among the highlights:
- Some additional services that are free from your phone — they provide you with some account management on your phone screen instead of via audio:
This will display the cash balance and expiry. Same as *777 but visual.*777*1#
This will display the bundle minutes balance and expiry. Plus the cash balance and expiry.*777*2#
This will display the bundle text balance and expiry. Plus the cash balance and expiry.*888*pin_number#
This will add your airtime voucher and display a confirmation message, including new balance and expiry date. - If using a calling card or service to avoid international or long distance fees, you should choose a provider that uses a TOLL FREE number. If you choose a local number to connect, you may be billed for both the local call and the long distance call as if they were conferenced.
- Directory assistance (411) is billed at $1.99/call plus local airtime rates (25 cents/min)
- Clarification on when your balance reaches 0 or when your expiry date is reached; new description is: If your balance reaches 0 but your expiry has not been reached, you cannot use the phone until airtime is added. If the expiry date is reached, any remaining balance is removed. You have 45 days to add airtime after the expiry date is reached; otherwise the SIM card will become void (and your phone number will be re-assigned) and you need to buy another Speak Out SIM card.
As always, create a forum post here if you see any errors or areas that should be updated in the FAQ.