7:45 pm
June 21, 2013

1:01 am
August 13, 2009

I just read that on other forums too.
After I saw your thread, I did a quick speedtest and low and behold, it looks like my DL speed is throttled as well. I am getting about 30 KB/s Download, but getting 1783 kb/s upload. I've only used 500-600 MB of data so far and I have not been abusing or gone over the 2GB limit… not even close. I wonder if speakout is throttling everyone now? Btw, I am in the GVRD, how about teh rest of you who have been throttled?
Originally Posted by Kushracer
Hi. I've been following the thread for awhile now and have been on SO for a few months. UMB has been working good up until my last rollover. Now my throughput is next to nill. I've installed new roms and messed with my phone a lot over the last month. I thought it was my phone or settings but it appears I have been throttled to 30Kbs. I never got any warnings or anything (not sure if they even warn you) but i'm sure I was over 2 gigs. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this? Looks like my acct. Is flagged. Not a complaint just an observation as I was over their "fair use policy" and I am not cutoff.
Seems to be affecting those that proxy, or have super phones that 'seem' to be functional for apps without proxying.
The party is over….
This is all pretty funny. I surmise that they are picking the biggest abusers, slamming them down, and seeing what the response on social media is. It's pretty smart. I'd do the same too.
So the question to you is.. Proxied? and how many GB this month so far?
7:37 am
June 22, 2013

Yeah, about 30 KiloBytes/sec seems to be the cap on downloads now. Whether via proxy, or some kind of vpn.
Uploading doesnt seem to be affected.
Also doesnt seem to matter if youre an abuser or not. Ive used maybe 200 megabytes total the last 4 months, and Im throttled to the 30 limit.
Disappointing to be forced proxied *AND* throttled. That just aint right. If it was true data and throttled, wouldnt be as disappointed.
5:22 pm
August 13, 2009

golffan said:
Disappointing to be forced proxied *AND* throttled. That just aint right. If it was true data and throttled, wouldnt be as disappointed.
Interesting, you say force proxied. Does that mean you were using a proxy app so that you could use apps that required an unrestricted data connection and now your apps don't work anymore?
So it's just browsing only now?
Seems like they're network testing. Bring on 2G speed data!
200kbs for me, email is just fine!
5:29 am
June 22, 2013

the 'data' plan on 7/11, petro, is forced proxied (whether you know it or not), you are forced to use their wap proxy to do any web browsing. (unless using a vpn)
Using third party proxy app that allows other programs that can function with port 80, like gmail, youtube, etc, you can get more apps to work, but the data is still going entirely through the proxy.
Only a vpn connection is "real" data. This is the only one that will get push notifications, but will eat your battery alive.
No matter which you choose, whether its just surfing the net, using a third party proxy app to do youtube, maps, etc, or using a vpn, the data is now throttled to approximately 300 kilobits/sec (give or take).
Like you, I have no problem if its 2g data speed, if it was REAL data, so we could get push notifications, etcetc
11:06 pm
April 22, 2009

I actually use Unlimited Mobile Browsing as intended, for mobile browsing, and aside from the odd page not loading the first time around, I am not too bothered by the slowdown. It is still faster than EDGE.
Those proxy settings should be retired if Rogers already has a way shape the traffic. I am OK with port 80/443 only traffic, and the slower speeds, because, that is what I paid for. Rogers is already able to do that without needing proxy settings. Though, I suppose it is moot, because most modem OSes and apps can deal with proxies as if they are nothing now. I know of one exception, though, Opera's off road mode. That feature is awesome on conserving the bandwidth using SPDY, but the Rogers proxy gets in the way.
I never saw the point of the image re-compressor. It is easy enough to bypass though. Just use HTTPS. It cannot compress encrypted traffic. If the site does not support HTTPS, you can run it through a HTTPS web proxy site like https://ssl-proxy.my-addr.org
Now look at it after putting it through the https web proxy.
And after the https web proxy
Downside is you have to set up a web page with your favourite links. But hey, $10 a month!
9:34 pm
June 25, 2013

EDIT: This is embarrassing. Apparently I have less than $10 in my account, so UMB couldn't be activated. The service has been purring away for so long, I forgot just how long I've had it.
Like a few of you I'm also in Vancouver, but instead of slow Internet access, I have no Internet access. I can still make calls and receive texts, but all of a sudden I can no longer obtain a connection to EDGE, 3G, or HSPA. I didn't make any changes to the APN. Still using goam.com, but no matter what I try on my end it won't work. Just received the text on the 22nd stating that my Service Feature has been renewed and will expire on 07/22. I must have dropped off of Rogers radar as they were modifying the class of service profiles in their traffic shaper O_o
11:00 am
June 28, 2013

Registered to this site just so I could comment here. I have been using Petro Canada Mobility Unlimited Web Browsing for years, and for about a year with my Galaxy S3. I was using the autoproxy app and had 4G speeds with no problems until a few days ago (around June 20th). Speed is now capped at 240KBs for download. Upload speed does not seem to be affected.
The party is over guys,say goodbye to 10$/month unlimited 4G
12:11 pm
August 13, 2009

I wish that they could implement a system where they could burst internet speed to something like 3mbs for a second then allow really slow speeds. This would break youtubing and voip, but keep web sufring usable.
It's the constant throughput of video I think that causes the plugging up if internet tubes
4:15 am
January 11, 2012

marvls said:
If you're not happy with Speakout's service then please do like me and cancel your $10 browsing until they fix it. Whining is useless but money talks. (And if you can't do without it briefly you're pathetic).
I doubt that 7-11 will care when they are preparing to roll out new data plans in the near future. When they do, UMB will be history whether you liked it or not. Besides my guess is the throttling was imposed by Rogers, rather than SO themselves.