2:09 am
January 18, 2009

3:21 pm
October 25, 2015

I have an S4 but I can't get any speeds above 0.05mbps. I spoke with speak out tech support and they gave me apn settings and reset my device, but still not improving. Before I called tech support I tried every setting in the trouble shooting thread, but no luck.
These are the settings that I was given by speak out tech support, one big difference I noticed was the "*" for APN Type. Here's what I have that's giving me 0.05mbps on the edge network.
APN: rogers-core-appl1.apn
Port: 80
MMSC: http://mms.gprs.rogers.com
MMS Proxy:
MCC: 302
MNC: 720
APN Type: *
APN Protocol: Ipv4/ipv6
APN Proxy: Ipv4
8:59 pm
January 18, 2009

Well lately I noticed edge only and now my speed went way down to .18mbps and .09 up. Now it is a joke. Don't know what Rogers did but they screwed Speakout by the look of it.
Not worth $10
Correction!!! I guess these android updates change settings on their own. My data setting became 2G only after an update. Changing it to auto brought back 4G speeds!!!
6:45 pm
October 25, 2015

The edge speed definitely prevents me from going over my data limit, and I find that BBM and WhatsApp seem to work fine on the Edge network, so for me I think its worth the $10/mo. Instead of texting for $0.15ea, I essentially have unlimited texting by using BBM, of course it only works if the people you're talking to have BBM too.