3:33 pm
December 17, 2009

7:59 pm
March 10, 2010

Not really following you here. So you called your cell phone from a landline and left a voicemail message, correct? To hear that message, access voicemail from your phone, or to avoid charges, power off your phone (or use airplane mode) and dial your own number. during the recorded message press #. You will then be asked for your password, enter and you are good to go.
10:44 pm
October 14, 2008

tmwtl said:
I used my landline to call my speakout, but when I hung up or turned cell phone off, I could not hear voicemail at all.
I've had no problems with my voicemail. Maybe give SpeakOut customer service a call to see if other people are reporting it. It might might be just a glitch, which can happen at times.