9:16 am
July 29, 2013

Before somebody yells at me, I DID read the Terms and Conditions before posting this and I don't think the situation with the new data plan has been properly dealt with yet. At least nowhere that I could find.
The Terms say: "7-Eleven SpeakOut Wireless Unlimited web add on cannot be used: (1) for access to the Internet, intranets, or other data networks except as the device’s native applications and capabilities permit, or (2) for any applications that tether your device to laptops or personal computers other than for the use of Wireless Synch."
However, I don't believe that the Terms have been altered to reflect the changes due to the new Data Plan. They reflect the situation when the UMB plan was in effect. In fact the wording specifically refers to the "Unlimited web add on" (i.e. the UMB), not to the 100 MB limited Data Plan.
Also, technically the words "cannot be used" means that it "is not able to be used" (i.e. it is blocked, prevented or just not possible). It was prevented and could not be used under the UMB plan, the same as all non-port 80 internet access was prevented. If it was intended to be prohibited rather than just not possible it should have said "shall not be used".
Nevertheless that was then, before the new Data Plan. When I started my subscription to the new plan I was told by customer service that tethering is no longer blocked. In fact now that they are actually selling the data service under the new plan (i.e. you pay for what you use over the initial 100 MB) there is an incentive for Speakout to encourage tethering as users will inevitably use more and pay more for the additional data use.
So if this could be clarified it might put this question to rest for everyone. Personally I would find it useful to be able to tether despite the slight additional cost.
10:37 am
April 22, 2009

2:13 pm
March 12, 2009

2:32 pm
July 29, 2013

bridonca said:
Now that UMB is dead, I would not worry about the terms and conditions involving tethering. I promise you no one is going to enforce it. You can do what you want with your quota.
Only problem is that I tried it and it doesn't seem to work.
I have a Nexus 4 (the hotspot) and a Nexus 7 (2013 version, Wifi only). Both are now now updated to Android 4.4 (i.e. Kit Kat). I can set up a hotspot on the Nexus 4 and connect to it with the Nexus 7. Trouble is that there is no internet connectivity when I'm connected.
In Kit Kat this is indicated by an orange WiFi icon in the settings menu (in previous versions of Android this was indicated by a grey WiFi icon on the top status bar - it turned green when there was connectivity). In any event there is no connectivity and I can't pull up a webpage on the Nexus 7 when it says it is connected to the Nexus 4 hotspot.
I'll call tech support tomorrow and update unless someone has a magic solution.
1:04 pm
November 29, 2013

wmccrack said:
I have a Nexus 4 (the hotspot) and a Nexus 7 (2013 version, Wifi only). Both are now now updated to Android 4.4 (i.e. Kit Kat). I can set up a hotspot on the Nexus 4 and connect to it with the Nexus 7. Trouble is that there is no internet connectivity when I'm connected.
Did you ever figure this out?
Same thing for me.
I create a hotspot on my LG G2.
My nexus 7 can connect to the network just fine, but does not load anything that requires data
8:51 pm
April 20, 2012

So I did some googling and found a solution to my tethering problem.
It was solved by running the following script:
You will need to be rooted and have sqlite3 installed to the /system/xbin/ directory (make sure it has its properties set to executable). Then run the following script as root.
The good new is that the change appears to hold across reboots so it only needs to be done once.
VAL=`/system/xbin/sqlite3 "$DB" "SELECT * FROM global WHERE name='tether_dun_required';"`
if [ "$VAL" == "" ]; then
/system/xbin/sqlite3 "$DB" "INSERT INTO global VALUES (null, 'tether_dun_required','0');"
/system/xbin/sqlite3 "$DB" "UPDATE global SET value='0' WHERE name='tether_dun_required';"
10:01 pm
January 18, 2009

11:24 pm
January 18, 2009

6:17 am
December 13, 2012

2:16 pm
January 18, 2009

10:00 pm
December 30, 2010

1:30 pm
March 10, 2010

3:17 pm
October 7, 2011

I think I understand what tethering means, being able to connect other devices via the hotspot. Is that so?
I have a Novatel MiFi 2372 set up to use the SO data plan. It took me a long time to set it up. But now that it is set up I can connect any other WiFi device to it i.e. iPhone,iPod, iPad and laptop.
4:53 pm
July 29, 2013

RGM said:
I think I understand what tethering means, being able to connect other devices via the hotspot. Is that so?
I have a Novatel MiFi 2372 set up to use the SO data plan. It took me a long time to set it up. But now that it is set up I can connect any other WiFi device to it i.e. iPhone,iPod, iPad and laptop.
So . . . can you give us all details of how you set it up to allow tethering. I'd like to do the same.
As I said at the top of this thread I have a Nexus 4. Now running stock KitKat 4.4 (i.e. NOT rooted)
10:05 am
September 2, 2014

I gave it try using my Moto G phone (Android 4.4.4) on Speakout with data add-on.
I set up the WiFi Hotspot settings in Android under Settings - Wireless and Networks - More - Tethering and Portable HotSpot. Basically you just specify the name, password and authentication type you want for your HotSPot WiFi network (defaults values provided by Android, but you can change them). Then you can turn on WiFi HotSpot on the same Settings page. When you turn on WiFi Hotspot, the regular WiFi connection on the phone goes Off, and a new WiFi network with the name you specified appears for other devices.
So to test it I connected to Speakout (Rogers) in HSPA+ mode, verified that I was getting mobile data for phone apps with Mobile Data enabled. Then I turned on WiFi Hot Spot. Regular WiFi connection went Off, Hot Spot symbol and notification appeared. On my Android tablet I disconnected from my router's WiFi network and connected to the phone's HotSpot network. I verified that I had a working internet connection on the tablet by testing a few internet-connected apps. It's a bit slower than normal, but works. Disconnected and returned everything to normal.
Data usage shows up as a separate entry for HotSpot and Tethering. Used > 1 Mbyte in less than a minute, so you wouldn't want to do much tethering on a $0.10 per Mbyte plan!
8:12 pm
April 25, 2014

12:41 pm
September 2, 2014

While Opera can help reduce data usage if you use one of the compressed modes like Off Road, it's not browsing that uses up data so fast. With Android it's all the integrated Google Services that burn data at a crazy rate. As soon as you connect you'll take a hit of several hundred Kbytes, and usage will continue in the background at a high rate as long as you are connected. With a tethered device you can't even shut down background data usage on an app-by-app basis.