5:40 pm
I just got my phone today. I txt'd and called jamaica, directly, with no phone card needed.
The phone's great so far, the only thing is the guy at the store told me it came with 25.00 credit in the phone,.. but it seemed to only come with about 5.00 worth because as soon as I txt'd about ten ppl my new number, and made one phone call, (short), I had only 2.50 left on the phone.
5:22 pm
Remember... "within Canada & US" is how you get the 30¢/min LD & 5¢/text rates. Once you call outside that area, you get to pay the going rates for whatever carrier they hook you up with.
Calls originating and/or terminated outside the service and coverage area may be subject to additional charges.
25 ¢ per text message to International Wireless Numbers.
For example, Telus non-discounted (no "plan") landliine calls to Jamaica are either $1.73 or $1.30 depending on the time of day. If we pretend that Telus is our carrier, that could be .20 airtime + 1.73 LD = 1.93/min.
6:41 am
Or use one of Yak's LD options. I'm in the process of porting my phone number from Bell Mobility to SpeakOut. Yak LD is already the default LD provider for that number. We'll see if that gets ported as well. That way you regular SpeakOut airtime plus as little as 3.5c/min to Yak. See http://www.yak.ca/Index.aspx