1:08 am
December 6, 2010

I've been messing around with Blackberry phones on the SO unlimited browsing plan in this thread:
Then I gave my head a shake, and with the help of some Christmas money, I bought a used iPhone 3G today on Craigslist. It's 4 months old, mint shape. $180. Not bad.
First off, I followed these directions:
And…the result is….I FULLY GET 3G DATA!!!! What the heck? This is awesome!
I have just started messing around, so I do not yet know what apps will work and what apps will not. But I will post results.
8:37 am
December 30, 2010

1:44 am
December 6, 2010

For the love of all that is good….please go with the iPhone. I did some testing with blackberry phones here:
BBM will not work on a Blackberry with SO. You need an expensive Blackberry data plan for that. I repeat: If you want BBM, the only way is with a Blackberry data plan. Those are minimum $40/mo with Fido/Rogers and don't include much more than BBM. NOT worth it. Even with a WiFi enabled Blackberry, they need a data plan for most things. It is RIMs way of putting a VERY short leash on what their phones are capable of doing without a "proper" data plan.
There are no BBM apps for iPhones, or any other phones other than blackberrys. BBM works with the RIM servers. Nobody else is allowed in.
Day two with my iPhone 3G, and I'm still loving it. The following apps work on 3G when I turn WiFi off:
-Calendar synced by Microsoft Exchange with Google Calendar (push works)
-Email synced by Microsoft Exchange with Gmail (push works)
-Contacts synced by Microsoft Exchange with Gmail contacts (push works)
-Maps (will give you step my step driving directions while you are driving!)
-Wikipanion (Wikipedia app)
-Facebook app
-Twitter app
-Dictionary.com app
-Weather Eye (The Weather Network app)
-Safari web browser (at unbelievable speeds)
-You tube app for videos under 2 minutes long <----UPDATE 12/31/2010
IM+ all in one messenger app does not work over 3G.
However, the iPhone connects to WiFi networks when available instead of 3G, and then every single thing works. If you are like me and are usually at places with WiFi (home, work, parents place, and most friends), then your iPhone will work like you are paying $50/mo. Everything works flawlessly. GO WITH THE IPHONE!!
I will post more results soon.
4:00 am
March 10, 2010

12:05 pm
December 30, 2010

2:05 pm
December 6, 2010

I just tried YouTube on the 3G network again. A 1:50 video would not play. A message with "This video format is not supported" comes up. However, a 0:40 video did play. I guess something in the network is triggered to halt data as soon as more than a certain amount is downloaded at once? Seems like a logical explanation, even if it's wrong.
3G or 3GS? If you can afford a GS, go with it. It allows multitasking with OS4 installed, as it has twice the RAM as the G. You can multitask a 3G if you Jailbreak it, but it will run slower and reduce battery life. The GS has a much faster processor and can download 2.9X faster than the G, according to Apple. The GS also has a 3MP camera instead of 2MB, and can shoot video where the G cannot. I chose the 3G because of the price, and because I found a very good used one.
5:24 pm
December 30, 2010

5:49 am
March 10, 2010

1:05 pm
December 30, 2010

2:05 pm
December 30, 2010

9:53 am
March 10, 2010

5:38 pm
December 6, 2010

andreww said:
Yes, rogers iPhones do not need to be unlocked. You will have to configure a profile with Apples's Configuration Utility in order to use data though.
I bought my 3G locked to Rogers and it works.
As far as prices go, I got my 4-month old used 3G for $180 including a genuine Apple protector/case. It is in absolutely mint condition and the battery lasts a long time still. I think I did well for that price.
2:51 pm
January 4, 2011

I got a free iPhone 3G from the states... so it was locked to AT&T. I went through the jailbreak and unlock procedures I found on the web. So I should be good to go now if I get a SO sim?
I'm planning really on just using the phone with the $0.25/min. But is the idea that I can pay $10/mo and get unlimited data as reported on the first couple posts above? Or you get that on a per minute? or??? Thanks.
- Steven
3:50 am
March 10, 2010

7:11 am
January 6, 2011

Are you sure you are getting 3G data?
I've been using an iPhone 3GS for about a year now on speakout and have been using the data plan originally set up using the info that was posted in the first post in this thread. I have only ever got data over the Edge network, never seen 3G. If there is a way to enable 3G as opposed to Edge I'd love to know it - for a year now I've thought it was impossible.
10:15 am
March 10, 2010

4:45 pm
December 12, 2009

Thank you for this post. Was going to upgrade my BB. Have been using BB with Speakout for 2.5 years. Read this thread last week and purchased Iphone 3GS today 16MB on Craiglist for $290.
Used info above to set up on Data Plan. Had some issues with iPCU.exe on Windows XP Pro. (*.dll errors for SSLEAY32 and LIBEAY32.dll). Did Google search and came up with fix for this.
Find fix here if you have this issue...
Finally got into iPCU.exe and set up as above. Ran everything as above and nothing. Then did some more searches on speakoutwireless.ca. Came up with this post
Where andreww tells someone to do a reset. Tried the reset and presto. Instant 3G browsing.
Thanks everyone for these wonderful posts!
7:49 am
December 12, 2009

Free Hotmail...
I have continued to play around with my Iphone 3Gs. I wanted to use my hotmail account that I have had for about 10 years without subscribing to a premium Hotmail. Found this...
The instructions do work. As it states you will get an error for about 2 days (actually about 26 hours for me) but it is now working great on 3G.
I am now also using Google Calendar and set it up so my assistant can book appointments. It loads the info back and forth to my iphone.