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local exchange phone number
May 17, 2009
10:18 am


I am considering either a SO or PCM phone for a gift for my mother, but was wondering if it is possible to get a local number for Stonewall, MB with SO (204 area code, 461 or 467 exchange).

From Petro-Can's website, it appears you are able to select Stonewall from their list of local calling areas on their online activation service, so was hoping this would also be available with SO as I would much prefer the 365 day expiry.

May 17, 2009
12:12 pm
Niagara Falls
Forum Posts: 2053
Member Since:
October 14, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

With Speak Out, the phone is tied to a particular area, or area code, not a specific exchange. I'm not sure if it would be possible to get a phone with those specific exchanges (461, 467), but I would definitely call Speak Out customer service and ask.

May 18, 2009
3:57 pm
Forum Posts: 576
Member Since:
March 15, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

With Speak Out, the phone is tied to a particular area, or area code, not a specific exchange. I'm not sure if it would be possible to get a phone with those specific exchanges (461, 467)

It has to be because otherwise people in that community or set of exchanges would incur LD charges when they called a SO cellphone.