6:30 pm
January 2, 2011

Hello All:
I have an absolutely ncient Audiovox with time piling up and would like to begin to move into the light! I'm okay with losing the accumulated Virgin time, but as an emailer and not a texter or a "phone talker" I don't want to buy tons of time I may never use. I like the idea of Speakout because I can start inexpensively but potentially take the SIM and upgrade down the road.
I'd like to port my Virgin number, which I see is easy enough, but I've also noticed a ton of Rogers/Speakout phones selling cheaply in Toronto - although I noticed some don't have SIMs so I'd have to watch that!
My question is: Does anyone know if Speakout is okay porting a number to a non-store-bought phone, and if it's acceptable, how would I go about it? (Unfortunately taking over an active Toronto phone isn't an option because I'm a Hamilton resident.)
My apologies for the novel!
6:54 pm
April 22, 2009

With Speakout, your account is tied to your SIM card, not the phone. Once you have the SIM card activated, You can swap out to any compatible phone you want. Compatible phones are Rogers phones, or unlocked North American/quad band GSM phones. Speakout will not give you any support on phones they do not sell though. So the old Speakout phone can be handy for those situations.
If you buy an active SIM from someone else, you can get Speakout to change the number for you. There may or may not be a fee, You would have to talk to a Speakout CSR for details.
A final addition, deactivated sims are a bit useless, it cost $25 to get a new one sent to you.