"No Service" message in Thunder Bay, Ontario
November 8, 2017
6:47 am
6:47 am
Forum Posts: 1
Member Since:
November 8, 2017
November 8, 2017

Long-time lurker, first time poster - great source of info here!
Starting Monday (6 Nov), I've been getting the "No Service" message on my phone (Blu Tank chocolate bar phone). Tried the Customer Svc line, who told me to try the "turn-off-turn-on" solution and the "reset to factory settings" solution, but to no avail. They said to try it in another phone to see if it's a phone or SIM problem. I tried the SIM in an unlocked LG GB102 phone, and got the same "No Service" message.
Anybody else seeing this problem either in northern Ontario or elsewhere?
Thx in advance!