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Nokia 2760 & Bluetooth
March 27, 2009
9:26 am

I have a Nokia 2760. If I don't use the bluetooth the standby time seems to be at least a week. If I turn on bluetooth and turn it off a short time later (10 mins) the phone seems to lose charge in less than 12 hours. It almost seems that the bluetooth is being left on. The headset and stuff are disconnected when I turn the bluetooth off so I am at a bit of a loss. Any suggestions?


March 27, 2009
5:52 pm
Forum Posts: 576
Member Since:
March 15, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Any suggestions?

FWIW both of my BT-enabled ThinkPads have hardware and software switches to turn off BT in order to extend battery life. That suggests to me that BT hardware drains batteries fast.

My Moto KRZR requires that I explicitly set BT to scan for devices whenever I want to use them. Have you tried to pair the Nokia with a BT device an hour or more after you last disconnected to see if it pairs automatically. That would indicate that BT never got shut off.