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please help
April 26, 2012
9:55 pm
Forum Posts: 1
Member Since:
April 26, 2012
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I just bought a sim card and $25 voucher from a retail store for my dad. I activated the phone but cannot refill. I tried both way sent *888*123456789012# and refill online. The website showed An error occurred on the backend system that prevented the process from completing successfully. We could be completing some routine maintenance. Please try again in a few hours.

Anyone has the same problem?

Thanks advance.

April 27, 2012
2:17 pm
Niagara Falls
Forum Posts: 2053
Member Since:
October 14, 2008
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I would contact SpeakOut customer service asap (if you haven't already).