10:41 pm
April 26, 2011

We have two Rogers phones on the family plan which the contract(s) expired April 26th.
I am interested in porting both to new SO phones.
*Do we need to port them in a particular order to continue using the same numbers? My concern is if I port mine (the primary phone on the plan) it will close the account. Do we need to port the secondary phone first?
Also, do I activate the SO phone using the provided SIM, and then ask to port the old number? Or do I install the old SIM and try to activate and ask to port? (This part seems to be obvious to most people, and therefore not explained properly.)
8:54 am
April 22, 2009

Unless someone here did something like this before, this is probably not the best place to get info on this. You should talk to a competent Rogers representative, and see what they have to say on the matter.
As far as Speakout is concerned, you ask them to port a number, and if they can, they will. The mess created on the Rogers side is a mess Rogers and you have to deal with, so it would be best to talk to the Rogers people ahead of time.
9:05 pm
April 26, 2011

1:57 pm
October 14, 2008

Johnnie7 said:
bridonca said:
You should talk to a competent Rogers representative, and see what they have to say on the matter.
I've been with them 8 years and still haven't found one! Besides the information isn't that reliable or honest anyway. I am really trying to get AWAY from these guys.
Still, Rogers and/or SpeakOut are the only ones that can help you with these issues, since they are the only ones that can go into your account and do the porting.
11:01 pm
April 26, 2011

Follow up and conclusion:
We bought two SO phones in April.
I had one activated and asked SO to port the secondary phone number on the Rogers Family Plan (my wife's phone). That took a day or so.
I then activated the second phone and asked SO to port the primary phone number. That also only took a day or so.
Rogers final bill (May 16th) arrived and said I had a $26 credit (due to where the porting fell on the billing cycle).
July 12th a cheque for $26 arrived in the mail!
(This was so easy. And I never talked to Rogers about porting or cancelling etc, just call SO! I think the key here is to port the secondary phone first so you don't close your family plan account.)