10:03 am
November 10, 2013

11:42 am
April 22, 2009

You have to activate Speakout first, and will be given a new number.
If you want to break your contract, ask your old carrier the penalties you have to pay to get out of the last 3 months. Pay them, and, your number will be available to be ported. It might be better to wait it out.
You might or might not get billed for another month. You could call the carrier a month before you port and let them know your intentions. I have never been charged extra after a port, but I have heard stories.
When the time comes to port, get Speakout to do the porting. The more information you can give to Speakout about your old account, the quicker the porting should take. The porting process can take from 5 minutes to 10 days. I would call Speakout on the 4th day if there is no progress, but no sooner. These things take the time they take.