4:03 am
September 5, 2010

5:12 am
October 14, 2008

6:52 am
September 5, 2010

10:46 am
September 5, 2010

12:41 pm
April 22, 2009

The rogers SIM is practically worthless, they are about $8 on Ebay new, worth less used. It will be difficult even getting $100 for that, because the buyer has to put in $100 of his own money to extend the expiry to any reasonable time, or be quite a yakker to use $100 in a month.
You should talk to Rogers about your options. Maybe there is a way to keep that balance held as a credit for some other Rogers product. If lucky, that balance might even be transferable, thus easier to sell. I do not know Rogers policies though, sadly.
12:59 pm
October 14, 2008

apvm said:
Now a new problem, I just found out my Paygo account has about $108 left and it expries OCT 20, 2001 and if I port the number over, that amount is wasted. The phone number is not important, doesn't anyone know if I could sell the sim card and get some money back...what is a reasonable price? tia
You might be able to sell it on Ebay. Since it has a good balance on it, you might be able to get most of the money back, or you could list it for free on Kiijii.
5:41 pm
September 5, 2010

1:19 pm
September 5, 2010

This is knda off topic, there is a person who wants to buy my Rogers sim but will not pay until I change the phone number to a Toronto area code number....should I accept his term since he is only paying me $40 but I have to add another $10 to the account plus regular post postage, I'll end up with $28....I think for $28, I am better off porting the old number to my SO sims, any comments?
2:00 pm
October 14, 2008

1:34 pm
September 5, 2010

1:58 pm
October 14, 2008

3:01 pm
September 5, 2010

3:31 pm
October 14, 2008

7:23 am
September 5, 2010

1:23 pm
October 14, 2008

3:26 pm
September 5, 2010

Thanks....activated SO today, added referal code...all is well, thank you again for asking all my question s so promptly.
By the way, my SO card came from Vancouver.....I only use the activation code but input local store number and they assigned me a local area number so I think I avoided to have a Vancouver area code number and have to call customer support to change number.