8:44 pm
July 5, 2010

I activated the phone about may be 3 months ago with $5 balance. I didn't need the phone until now and so put in some airtime and called customer service to redeem the code. I was denied to apply the code even though this is the first time I put in money. I didn't see such rule stated on the promo banner floating around, so what is the deal here?? Am I blind or being mislead? :cry::yell::frown:
8:53 pm
December 11, 2009

9:39 pm
July 5, 2010

The PAY IT FORWARD code is fresh, just a week old. The Rep denied it because the account was activated couple months ago even though it had been just $5 sitting on the account.
Do you have to apply the referral code within a certain period of time (and which is?? and said where???) after activation?
3:59 am
March 10, 2010