3:36 am
Question about return the phone bought during the promotion...
I've bought a 2610 Saturday morning. Thanks to Mr. Cell's tip on where to pick up 1600, I bought the 1600 from another store on the same day.
After securing the 1600, I went back to the first store and was told that I need to speak with the manager who only works Mon~Fri.
I had not used any airtime on the 2610, or added the $100 credit onto the account. But I did opened the book, had charged the battery and powered on the phone.
I assumed that's OK and still refundable? How about the $100 air time voucher? Would they be telling me that phone is refundable but not the voucher? Sorry, just a bit nervous that I would lose $125+tax there...
What's your experience with refund on the phone?
BTW, 2610's LCD is horrible. Just because of it, I feel the 1600 is friendlier. (though the buttons on 2610 appear to be less frightening than the 1600 to my mom)
6:24 am
I have no idea about returning the phone for a refund. Perhaps calling customer service at 1-866-310-1023 might help while you wait for the manager.
It says right on the $100 voucher, "PIN receipts are non-refundable."
All is not lost, however. I bet if you tried selling your voucher (or the phone, if it comes to that) in the Phone exchange forum or on Craigslist (Vancouver), someone will surely snap it up.
You should have no problem returning the phone (I suspect the phone I bought was returned, because it had a few phone numbers in the address book already), but you're probably stuck with the voucher. However, yes, you should try selling the voucher to another customer, especially to those who live in areas that don't have a 7-Eleven. They might have bought the phone in a major city and thus could use the power of the Internet to easily purchase more airtime...
11:21 am
Thanks znedo and Peter. Fortunatley, they took both the phone and voucher back.
The manager did try to give me a hard time for having the battery recharged because she thinks that all the batteries would come with the battery fully charged, and having it recharged would wreck the phone/battery. I didn't want to argue with / correct her hoping that she would still allow the return.
At the end, it all worked out...
8:21 pm
Kim, you should contact 7-11's customer service and see what they can do for you. Someone posted before that they contacted the following email address and got a helpful response (you could also try calling the hotline).
Sandy Dane, Communications Department
24-hour hotline
(This is 7-11's customer service line, not Speakout's. You should call this number for store-related issues.)
The contact info comes from this webpage.