speakout problems calgary area
September 20, 2011
6:58 pm
6:58 pm
Forum Posts: 45
Member Since:
July 2, 2010
July 2, 2010

anyone having issues with speakout the last 4 hours in Calgary? i am unable to send text messages. the message times out on my iphone 4.
also, trying to make phonecalls: place phonecall...no dialtone and 3 beeps, then cuts off. if i call again, then it connects.
strangely, i am able to send a text just after doing that.
also, turning 3g off allows me to send text messages.
wonder if it is network issues, or my phone? havent had issues like this before. (phone hasnt been dropped. has been rebooted, and made sure the sim is seated correctly.)
wonderinf if anyone else is having probs right now?