4:15 pm
Has anyone tried going over the 90 days validity for a speakout refill ? would the refill still work ?
Also I heard that petro canada mobility and speakout are both run by ZTar mobile. Does that mean that you can use a petro canada refill card to refill a speakout phone and vice versa ? anyone tried this ?
5:02 am
Do you still have your voucher? I do.
Just above the actual PIN number:
"Subject to 7-Eleven Speak Out Wireless Terms of Service. See terms at http: //www.7-eleven.com Must be applied to your phone within 90 days of purchase."
You may have an older voucher, bought before they changed the the cutoff time.
Click to see... My voucher
11:14 am
I picked up three phones yesterday and the manager was actually offering to give the air time for each phone as four vouchers @ $25 so I could use them anytime. So I asked about the 90 days and he seemed to think it wasn't a problem. I even had to point it out to him on the print outs he gave me - he seemed surprised to see it there and thinks it might be a new thing. So I suppose its possible but I'm not gonna be the first to try it either! Has anyone asked the speak out customer service people?
Also - I had been waiting for them to get the nokia 6061 flip phone in and the manager said they wouldn't be getting them so I settled for the 2610. Has anyone seen or bought the 6061?
Cathy in Oshawa, ON
3:08 pm
Thanks for the info on the 6061 - I should've tried harder or waited longer to find it I guess. I'm not using any of the phones til the end of June since one of them is a gift and I don't want my daughter seeing any of them yet so I might just try and exchange them if I see the new ones in my area before then.