4:58 pm
May 2, 2013

When I dial my home phone number on my Speakout phone, I get a message that this number has been changed to 647-669-9989, which turns out to be a voice mail setup service. After several tries, I did the voice mail setup, but I still can't reach my home phone number because Speakout says it has been changed, as stated above.
Speakout customer service has made several suggestions, including deleting the number from my directory and clearing all call history. The problem persists. (Calls to other numbers go through okay.)
Any suggestions how I can get back to normal operation for calling my home number?
5:36 pm
October 14, 2008

6:50 pm
October 14, 2008

11:37 am
May 2, 2013

Update 28 Oct 2014. In trying to fix my problem I did the "Restore default set" routine under the Settings menu. Same problem persisted.
Workaround: In the Messages menu, Voicemail, I changed the number to my home phone number. Now if I call from that selection, it says this number has been changed to my home phone number (used to be to the Voicemail number) and I get my home phone. When I first made this change and hit 1 I got my home phone (kind of neat) but now it says "unknown application".
For voicemail, I added a Directory item, Voicemail, with the number it used to tell me my number had been changed to (647-669-9989). This gives me Rogers voicemail.
When I call my home number, either by typing or by selection from the Directory, it tells me this number has been changed to my home phone number (used to be the voicemail number), then dials it.
So I can now call home, but nobody can tell me what the heck is the basic problem.