stupid store manager #32840 | Technical service details | Consumer forum

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stupid store manager #32840
September 21, 2009
6:37 pm

I want to buy one $75 prepaid code, it will add to my 7-11 prepaid phone for $93.75. But the store manager sold me one $25 and one $50, so I will only get $75 airtime. I also noticed the $50 was printed 3 days ago. I argued with the store manager, and he is very rude and head strong and said he has no fault. He insisted there is no 25% more airtime for a $75 . A stupid store manager!

store #32840, 10162 52avenue, edmonton , AB, T6E 1Z4, (780)4323860

September 21, 2009
1:21 pm
Victoria BC
Forum Posts: 126
Member Since:
July 12, 2009
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Hi the store manager was obviously tring to cover up his or someone else's mistake three days ago.The till and the machine couldn't backdate the voucher a few hours, let alone 3 days -- so it was one that was already printed. Someone had already printed it and he decided to offload it on you.
You can phone SO Customer Service -- they might be able to rectify the situation -- but it really is a store issue.
The 7-11 chain has a management chain that is usually responsive to customers. Each area's offices are in the city they service, and Edmonton is a big enough city that there may be more than one office. I know that in Winnipeg where I used to live there were a couple of area offices. One was at the 7-11 where I fuelled my vehicle regularly. I was in the same building as the store but wasn't directly involved in managing the store.
I would suggest you phone a regional or area office of 7-11 to follow up. Offer to meet them and discuss the situation.
Could I also give one suggestion? While you may feel that the manager was stupid, it might be best not to approach the senior managers saying that. Just approach it as an enquiry to help you understand.
I personally don't think the manager was stupid at all -- he knew exactly what he was doing. He may have been rude and exhibited very inappropriate behaviour -- but he wasn't stupid.
If you approach his managers reasonably and calmly and request their assistance, he may find that the most stupid thing he did was to try to treat you badly.