6:34 am
September 30, 2009

I know sending text messages to landline numbers is not officially supported, but I accidentally sent one last night and it worked. It charged me $0.10, the same as all other text messages.
I would actually consider paying for this service if it were offered officially. I use public transit and it would be easier to text someone to let them know I'm going to be delayed, instead of trying to make myself heard over the roar of the bus.
7:55 am
April 22, 2009

It is not something that Speakout could do, I am pretty sure most SMS systems are pretty stupid. After all, you just sent a SMS to nowhere, and there was no mechanism to say if it got through.
If there was a 3rd party company that existed, where you text to that, and also the number and the message you want to text, and that company robocalls that info to your desired number, that would be a solution. The problem is, people really hate being robocalled, especially people that still have a land line. So I am not surprised a service like this is not popular, if it even exists.
8:44 am
September 30, 2009

After my accidental text I sent one to my home phone to confirm whether it worked. It went through Rogers text-to-landline service and left a message on my voice mail, complete with my number.
Rogers charges $0.15 to their subscribers for this service, which is provided by a company called TeleMessage. I have no idea how popular it is, but it has its uses.
5:12 pm
February 4, 2010

9:57 pm
December 9, 2015

Going bump this old topic, since the basic question is still the same.
Does Text to Landline still work on Speakout Wireless? If I have an unlimited texting plan, are there additional charges on top?
I'm from Chatr, and Chatr only charged me the standard SMS rate for the Text to Landline service. My friend on Rogers Pay As You Go got charged a standard SMS rate and an additional Text to Landline fee.