7:10 am
April 22, 2009

1:34 pm
April 22, 2009

12:10 pm
March 10, 2010

5:51 pm
March 10, 2010

7:33 pm
August 6, 2010

9:37 pm
August 15, 2010

ddsdude said:
Yes, the browsing works perfectly on my unlocked iphone 4 (iOS 4.0.1).
I was considering purchase of the unlocked iphone 4 from apple for use on speakout, but was told that the iphone 4 used a mini sim card and the speakout sim cards are are a larger size. I use very few minutes talk time. I will sign up for the $10 unlimited browsing. I will likely use the phone most for browsing at wifi hotspots. Can you please clarify the sim card issue. Does the unlimited browsing work well enough to consider paying for it? Thanks
3:33 am
March 10, 2010

Yes, the iPhone 4 uses a smaller microsim, but you can cut your sim down to the proper size using one o the online guide or by purchasing a Sim cutting tool.
The speakout data plan is well worth the $10 a month. It works
great for me. My only issue is that the service gets pretty slow during weekdays in downtown Toronto. Probably caused by the massive ammount of smartphone traffic during that period.
3:46 pm
October 25, 2009

Regarding Windows Mobile. I've been reading through the posts and I get the impression that with the data plan you can use IE in WM6.1 as long as it is not an SSL URL and you configure it with the settings posted in this thread (goam)? So in other words, no gmail?
And Bridonca, would you know if you could use the Freephoneline softphone application with this as well?
6:32 pm
April 22, 2009

TSellers: I only configured a WM6 device last month, but for the life of me, I do not remember using Gmail on it. I only remember everything I tested seemed to work. I sold that phone so I cannot test anymore. Here is the my settings https://www.speakoutwireless.ca/speak/phone-features/configuring-blackjack-for-data-plan/?value=blackjack&type=1&include=1&search=1&ret=all
As for VOIP, no. The Rogers proxy does a good job in putting a stop to that. I had some hilarious results with Skype, with one side being delayed for several seconds, and the other side of the conversation unintelligible.
Conceptz: I just wonder if the ssl settings were correctly configured. I do not own an apple product, so I cannot give you a definitive answer.
bytexpro: I believe the froyo 2.2 release fixed a bug where the APN and or proxy settings would not save. So it should work if you got the latest and greatest.
5:57 pm
April 22, 2009

1:41 am
September 7, 2010

andreww said:
All you can do is read the forum and learn from other's experiences. I can tell you that people have had success with the 2G and 3GS iphones, but not the 3G model. I don't think anyone has had any luck with the Android phones either.
I posted on RedFlagDeals (I am sure I posted it here as well) a long time ago that I got it working on an iPhone 3G... (with detailed walkthrough)
I guess I am still the only one..
Still works too.
3:59 am
March 10, 2010

Thats interesting, but I'm wondering what carrier your 3G was originally locked to? My theory is that the majority og 3G models out there are Rogers units and have been blocked via the IMEI number from working on the GOAM network. My guess is that your phone may be a Bell phone and that Rogers has not blocked the IMEI number? Can you please confirm the original carrier please?