4:43 pm
March 10, 2010

7:25 pm
January 16, 2010

7:43 pm
March 10, 2010

7:58 am
December 8, 2009

Anyone has tried Rogers Internet?
I found that, there is Rogers Internet (internet.com, NO PROXY but also NO DNS setting), GoRogers (goam.com, proxy, and Rogers Media (media.com, proxy No username / password needed, although adding "wapuser1/wap" is still OK.
Rogers Internet doesn't work. I am wondering if the $10 service including internet (no proxy) or not, and if yes, how to set up? Does SO charges on a usage base and how much it should be? I really need no-proxy one cause many app I use need direct access.
9:36 pm
August 31, 2009

8:30 am
October 26, 2010

6:55 pm
October 30, 2010

11:13 pm
September 7, 2010

Glad everyone on iPhone 3G got it to work.
It was racking my brain on how it seemed I was the only one... I still think it's my very old sim card.
Regardless, I had to trade in my beloved 3G to the Apple Store for a replacement (again3G as they would not upgrade me).
I was worried about the web browsing, but I did as I had in the past, and it came up right away again,
I have a long list of apps that have worked for me in the past, if anyone want's me to post it. Some older ones I posted on RFD.ca are listed below.
My phone is currently at 4.0.2 and I am waiting until Sunday when the 4.2.1 unlock is supposed to be released to see what I do in regards to updating, unlocking, etc, so I have no apps installed.
Some of these have been updated obviously and the list really does need to be updated, but I will assume if they worked once, they should still work:
Sportacular Pro v1.7 (Works)
ScoreMobile iPhone v1.7 Edition (Works)
iNHL v2.1 (Works)
Calgary Traffic v1.4.1 (Works)
Facebook v3.03 (Works)
360Live v2.0.2 (Works)
Weather (Installed iPhone App) (Works)
Stocks (Installed iPhone App) (Works)
App Store (Installed iPhone App) (Works)
TFLN v1.1 (Works)
AppRankings v1.5.2 (Works)
Cydia (Works!!!!)
Trapster v3.5.1 (Appears to work, but I am new to program, my login was accepted)
News CAN+ v1.3 (Appears to work, but can't select custom views so nothing shows up)
Dropbox v1.0.1 (Appears to work, can see times of files changes, but not opening excel with daily tabs, locked phone up to point of it needing a reboot, could be a dropbox issue)
Perfect Browser v2.7 (Does not seem to work, just keeps trying to connect, but I gave up on it quickly)
ESPN ScoreCenter v1.5.0 (Does not work, can't find server)
Palringo v2.1.1 (Does not work, keeps trying to connect)
RadioBOX v1.5.2 (Does not work, when started says it requires 3G or Wifi)
Pocket Tunes v5.4.0.2916 (Does not seem to work, just keeps trying to connect, but I gave up on it quickly)
Google Earth v2.0.1 (Does not seem to work, just keeps trying to load, but I gave up on it quickly)
Skype v1.2.2 (Does not seem to work, just keeps trying to connect, but I gave up on it quickly)
Trillian v1.0.0.280 (Does not seem to work, just keeps trying to sign in, but I gave up on it quickly)
Speedtest.net Speed Test v1.1.1 (Does not work, does nothing)
11:20 am
March 10, 2010

7:12 am
November 30, 2010

It's 11pm here in Vancouver and I just wanted to let everyone know that I now able to access 3G bands on my phone for some reason. I'm currently downloading a podcast, and I'm seeing a 150 kb/s download speed! This is pretty exciting! I've only ever gotten download speeds of 20 kb/s or less.
My phone is an unlocked Nokia Nuron 5230 from T-Mob and using the Rogers internet settings as found in this forum. I need to figure out how to take a screenshot of my phone. The "E" is now replaced by "3G" next to my service bars. We'll see how long this lasts!
7:57 am
November 30, 2010

So instead of screenshots, here are some actual pictures on my phone:
2:34 pm
March 10, 2010

2:40 pm
March 10, 2010

2:55 pm
March 10, 2010

3:02 pm
March 10, 2010

3:04 pm
September 8, 2010

3:31 pm
September 8, 2010

screenshot for those curious…
- http://bit.ly/hsYt7w