11:55 am
January 22, 2010

MMS service on the Rogers network does not use goam.com, it uses media.com -- you do not have to set any proxy values for your Blackberry.
Mine downloaded the correct service book entries with an operating system upgrade. I have not tried MMS yet to see if it actually works -- might not. So far, the only service I can use is web browsing.
10:31 am
December 7, 2009

Anyone care to list out what apps work on this WAP data plan? I just switched to petro-canada mobile on my HTC Touch Pro and have gotten the following to work:
Internet Explorer
Opera Mini 5 (Opera Mobile 10 does not work)
Google Sync (using the Activesync client native to WM6.5)
Youtube (interesting that this works, but the videos stream slow, but they do work)
Google Maps
What else have you guys gotten to work?
5:48 pm
February 8, 2010

Has anyone been able to use a blackjack II with the Speakout unlimited browsing. I keeping getting a error message. The browser says connecting, then locating and then a message that the connection was lost
I have the following set up using info from the post.
GPRS settings:
Connects to WAP Network
Apn: goam.com
Username: wapuser1
Password: wap
Proxy Settings
Connects from WAP Network
Connects to: The Internet
Internet explorer Connections
Auto detect settings off
select network: The internet
9:15 am
January 27, 2010

This is a copy of a response I received from Speakout when I inquired of any future plans for a data package to go with their unlimited web browsing service:
Yes we are working with our provider Roger's Wireless to provide a full web experience, but it is still in the works and negotiation, so we do not know yet what functionality we will be able to provide to you our customer. We are pushing as hard as we can to get you everything you have asked for.
7:24 pm
February 10, 2010

No data love on my 3g iphone, 3.12 pwnage tooled. Had to Blacksn0w it since I never had a sim when I Jailbroke it.
Anyways I got me Speakout sim on Thursday, took some tries to get it working for the phone. Ordered Data on friday, no luck. Tried the info from http://www.binarysearchtree.com. I get the PDP error.
Every once and awhile I get a solid dot in the status bar instead of the E.
Tried iphone config program with
Speakout settings,
and anything else I could to plug in.
Considering..full restore and try from scratch.
6:32 pm
January 18, 2010

I have a 3GS, my son has a 3G, both phones run firmware 3.1.2, both JB with Blackra1n, neither are carrier unlocked. I followed the instructions as outlined by Glen Lalonde on both phones. The SO data worked fine on the 3GS, it does not work for the 3G, it also gets the PDP error.
Has anyone gotten their 3G working with SO unlimited data?
9:04 pm
January 23, 2010

7:55 am
February 8, 2010

I had a jailbroken/unlocked Fido iphone 3g before, which gave me the PDP error. I think it's safe to say that the unlimited browsing on won't work on 3G iphones.
I traded my 3G for a 2G recently, and everything works fine. I'm surprised at the number of apps that work with this service! Here are a few:
- Twitterific
- Mail, with my gmail configured as an exchange/activesync account
- Shazam
- Gtalk via safari
- Dropbox
- App store
Apps that don't work include Palringo, The Weather Network app, Currency exchanger, and Ebuddy. If anyone knows of an IM client that works, please share.
It's a bit slow, but I can't complain...it's so convenient to have internet on the go without having to pay $20-30 a month for data.
Question though...I signed up for the unlimited browsing around mid january, at which time they immediately subtracted the cost of the service ($8 for petro-canada) from my account balance. The one month mark was Feb 14, but so far i haven't been charged for another month. Anyone know when they usually subtract money from my account?
10:53 pm
February 10, 2010

after not sleeping for a couple of days I may have found the issue. It;s the iphone 3G, Rogers is blocking the 3G's from working on their WAP network, forcing people to use their (3g system for data) making a piss pot full of money along the way.
even though we are using speakout, the same restrictions seem to apply. I've searched for ways to change the imei of my iphone to that of the crap SO phone I got with the Simcard but it looks like the legality of that is questionable and there for a solution is not readily available.
now I'm off to find more coffee or fall asleep in my kitchen chair........
12:04 pm
January 18, 2010

barkingdog said:
after not sleeping for a couple of days I may have found the issue. It;s the iphone 3G, Rogers is blocking the 3G's from working on their WAP network, forcing people to use their (3g system for data) making a piss pot full of money along the way.........
Not the answer I was hoping for but thanks for being tenacious. If changing the imei were possible it would be very tempting....sigh. Thanks again.
8:06 pm
April 22, 2009

http://mob.ebuddy.com/ works with speakout, at least on my computer. I would think it would work on smartphone also.
8:10 am
February 24, 2010

After a few hours of painful troubleshooting, I finally got ULB working on my Blackberry Pearl 8100.
Here's what I did. Messed around with the TCP and Service Book settings a lot to no avail. Had to call Speakout several times to activate ULB. On the final successful try, I deleted all entries from the Service Book and cleared the TCP settings BEFORE I called. After about 30 minutes I did a hard reboot (removed battery) and it worked! I checked the TCP settings and it is empty. In the Service Book area, there are now 5 entries: Do More, WAP BrowserConfig, WAP2 Transport, Rogers MMS, Wap Push Config.
Hope this helps people who are having troubles with their BB.
5:06 pm
January 16, 2010

barkingdog said:
after not sleeping for a couple of days I may have found the issue. It;s the iphone 3G, Rogers is blocking the 3G's from working on their WAP network, forcing people to use their (3g system for data) making a piss pot full of money along the way.
even though we are using speakout, the same restrictions seem to apply. I've searched for ways to change the imei of my iphone to that of the crap SO phone I got with the Simcard but it looks like the legality of that is questionable and there for a solution is not readily available.now I'm off to find more coffee or fall asleep in my kitchen chair........
Hey, I just read a few of your posts and I've had no luck getting my internet to work on my iPhone 3G either. Just sent you a PM too.
11:21 am
March 5, 2010

Hello peoples !
I have a blackberry 8120 and have the $10 plan hooked up.
So far I have it working pretty good, its a nice service with Opera Mini.
I can use the Kayak travel app - love it - Opera Mini of course.
I can download files that are under 3 mg I think - after that it fails.
I had wordpress app working, but it won't connect anymore, might be something more to do with my blog.
But what I would really love is push email with gmail. Has anyone been able to do this ? Get the google app to work on the $10 plan ?
Any other way to get gmail to work as a push ? Or even just so you can go threw the app. I can't even get google maps to work.
I really wish I could hook up my google mail to the blackberry email program thats built in there, it so much cleaner.
Thank God for Opera mini, when ever I read people bad typing it in forums its like : Dude, where would I be without the mini today in these kind of sticky situations ?
4:47 am
March 10, 2010

Picked up my unlocked 2G iphone yesterday and after a little bit of tinkering have ULB working fine. I'm actually a bit surprised at how well it works! The only disappointment is that Mail doesn't connect, but I can access my Rogers mail account via the Yahoo Mobile Browser in Safari. Great deal! The guys at work who have expensive iPhone plans are soooo PO'd 😉