7:07 am
March 22, 2010

I have an unlocked HTC s621 running Windows Mobile. After reading posts in this forum and changing my settings to the following I am up and surfing. Works pretty well. Thanks for the help.
GPRS settings:
Connects to WAP Network
Apn: goam.com
Username: wapuser1
Password: wap
Proxy Settings
Connects from WAP Network
Connects to: The Internet
10:38 am
April 22, 2009

7:46 am
January 28, 2010

9:53 am
March 10, 2010

7:18 am
April 13, 2010

Is anyone else having problems with unlimited browsing?
I've been running great for a month with an iphone 2g. Apps, browsing etc were all working.
Today, the payment for my second month of unlimited browing was deducted, and now I'm getting an internal service error for Safari and apps that worked before no longer work (parts of facebook that were working before don't now - although the live feed is still updating, imdb I get no connection, kijiji app I can seach ads but can't browse, globe and mail - offline mode no connection, standard iphone weather doesn't work anymore).
My e-mail notifications are still coming in, and weather eye still seems to be working, but that's about it.
What's up!?!
7:20 am
March 10, 2010

7:52 am
April 13, 2010

It was working fine when I first got to work (around 6:30). Downloaded Opera Mini successfully from the app store (on the speakout network, since there is no wifi here) however it didn't work (figured it only worked on wifi). I didn't try anything else at that time.
Now almost nothing works. Hope that it's something on their end, and they haven't changed things so Safari, apps, etc no longer work permanently.
8:24 am
March 10, 2010

10:59 am
March 10, 2010

11:07 am
April 13, 2010

otty said:
Yup same for me. Beginning around an hour or two ago I cannot get any connection. Glad to hear Speakout is having general issues and it's not Rogers generally blocking smatphones or something. Hope it's back up soon.
Did you download Opera Mini? I'm curious as well as it seemed fine until I did. And the others above also had downloaded it
11:13 am
March 10, 2010