1:32 pm
January 19, 2010

I'm sure this kind of thing has been asked many times, so I'm sorry to repeat it. (I looked for an FAQ page, but couldn't find one.)
I see 7-Eleven has several smartphones for sale for use with Speakout. However, I've found better prices for them at other stores (even with 7-Eleven's current $20 promotion).
We bought an Alcatel phone from 7-Eleven last year, but it was so poor no one in my family wanted to use it. If we get one of the smartphones featured on the Speakout site from another vendor (not one associated with a specific phone plan), can we put the Alcatel's SIM card in it so we can use it with Speakout?
3:13 pm
October 14, 2008

11:11 am
January 18, 2009

2:32 am
January 19, 2010

Thanks for your replies. Indeed, 7-Eleven's price for the Acer Z220, with the top-up discount, was the best around. I got one (a Z220, I mean, not a 7-Eleven) and the SIM card from my Nokia works fine in it.
The only exception is that none of my contacts were imported. But I gather that's because each phone maker has their own format for personal data. That's no big deal.
This is my first smartphone, and I'm amazed how much cool technology you can get for such little dough. I read reviews of the Z220 where people complained it was slow, didn't have a high enough screen resolution, and so on... Those reviewers were clearly spoiled. I'm here to tell you: When you're coming from a flip-top "candy bar" phone, the Z220 is entirely impressive. Cheers, A.
8:38 am
October 7, 2011

1:50 pm
January 19, 2010

2:22 am
January 19, 2010

I'm able to use Bluetooth to connect the Nokia phone to the Acer, but when I try to transfer the Contacts, the Nokia says "Device does not support that service."
And when I put my existing SIM card into the Acer and try to import Contacts from it, the list is empty. So obviously the two phones use different data formats, and can't really "talk" to each other.
I'm just going to re-enter all my Contact info into my Google+ account. Whatever I enter there automatically appears on the phone, since it has the Google apps by default. Pretty impressive!
Well, I just wanted to explain all this in case anyone else finds themselves in this situation. Thanks!
5:53 pm
November 1, 2013

..but it's worth a try.(RGM's importing contacts tip above) I was able to do ok from a Nokia C3 with contacts on sim. However some numbers and details do not translate well and will need editing
"*#777*1#" (= "Plan Time Remaining") and things like that. also, the acer z220 will balk or distort an entry if you try to import a ".vcf" file with stuff like this in it...I think that's what it is, anyways.
12:30 am
January 19, 2010

Thanks, but in my case it was just as well. I realized I had a bunch of Contacts who'd turned out to be rather boring, or who'd befriended me only to try to take advantage of my celebrity status. It was a good opportunity to pare it down to those with whom it was actually worth staying in touch. Sometimes techno-challenges like these can turn out to be valuable social experiences.