Voicemail charges clarification. Customer support tells a different story.
October 11, 2018
11:44 am
11:44 am
Forum Posts: 1
Member Since:
October 11, 2018
October 11, 2018

I'm debating switching over the Speak Out as I am getting lots of spam voicemail/texts on another provider and end up having to pay out a good amount money on my current balance. This is adding up quickly.
I noticed that FAQ #9 states the following:
You are not charged for the time that other callers spend leaving messages on your voicemail.
Is this still the case as of October 11, 2018?
A customer representative from Speak Out that I spoke with at 1-866-310-1023 was quite adamant that you will be charged airtime rates when others leave messages via voicemail.
Can someone please confirm or deny this claim?